With this phone number locality app you may find out the locality of phone number. You can quickly find a callers country and state. you may select from your phone contacts to view location information like country and state. You can also find the phone information quickly, including system info, device info, and data usage. HOW TO USE APP?Download the app.Open the app. You are able to search any number locality. You can select from Contact list to easily identify the locality.MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES: 1) THEMES:Users can use some great utility features like edge lighting for improved convenience. Edge lighting is a feature that you can use on your phones home screen/lock screen. There are numerous styles, and you can also alter them to suit your needs.CONTACT LIST:In the contacts, you may see your friends and coworker area code with in less than a minute.FLASH ALERT:Your phones LED will flash brightly while the flash alert is active to let you know when a call is coming in. DEVICE INFORMATIONIn this App users can find his phone, system, and device information in one location. you can learn about you device details like the hardware and software specification. AREA CODE: Do you require the area code for a certain city/state/county? Youre have the area code feature. Users can easily search the area codes of different countries with this amazing app.CALLER LOCALITY:This feature helps discover the caller locality. This app determines from which area you are being contacted. COMPASS: In this feature helps you find the direction. The sensors will indicate the direction through the north, south, east, and west poles.